Mog and Tom

Humorous Healing Anagrams

Children - Picture Book
37 Pages
Reviewed on 08/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Mog and Tom is a children’s picture book written by Leila Summers with illustrations by Nicole Reasonda. It follows two cats, Tom and Mog, who live in a cottage by the sea. Tom loves lazing around at home, while Mog is adventurous and always wants to try new things. One day, Mog shares her dream of visiting Mars, hoping it is warm and red like her favorite color. Tom volunteers to go to the planet with her, and they embark on a journey along the coast to meet Ed, a famous cat who has invented a custom atom ramp that can turn any feline into a space cat. At first, Tom is skeptical but decides to try it out for his friend. Tossed into the air, Mog, and Tom land in an unexpected place and continue their adventure, embracing their journey.

Mog and Tom is a fun story with a unique concept that will take young readers on a whimsical and imaginative journey. Leila Summers uses 'Humorous Healing Anagrams' to narrate the story, inspired by how anagrams are used to analyze problems from a different perspective. By being optimistic when faced with tough situations, the author encourages children to live a resilient and hopeful life. The friendship between Mog and Tom shows the importance of accepting each other's differences and being supportive. Children will fall in love with these characters and learn valuable lessons from them. The book also features colorful illustrations that perfectly complement the story and bring the characters to life. Overall, Mog and Tom is a wonderful story and a must-read for anyone who wants to have a more positive outlook on life.